Typo or already Insight ?
All screenshot from Feb 16th, 2022
A review on "Prediction of chemical shift in NMR" was published by Jonas, Kuhn and Schlörer
in "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry"

Table 1 in this paper shows the development of the prediction quality over 3 decades - a short sequence is given in the screenshot below.
It is interesting to note that the guys responsible
for "NMRShiftDB(2)" name their own system "nmrshitdb2" !
- I assume it is a typo and not already insight
- Hopefully the quality of the data and algorithms behind NMRShiftDB is better than the quality of proof-reading
- I am happy that the authors have adopted my (private) opinion - a citation would be fine ;-))
- Thank you very much for publishing - now everybody can refer to it
Note added on March 25th, 2022 / Screenshot from March 25th, 2022
Here you can read the interesting statement:
".... The core of nmrshitdb2 are fully assigned spectra with raw data and peak lists ...."
Its really "nmrSHITdb2" - please see above / line 4
- The people responsible for this database are unable to name their own system on their own homepage in a correct way
- This database is intended as world-wide repository for NMR-spectra
- This project was heavily supported by public funding - the money comes from the German taxpayers
- I strongly recommend a more serious peer-reviewing within the NFDI4Chem initiative !
Now I am convinced, its definitely already insight ..... "
Page written by: Wolfgang Robien
Page online since: February 17th, 2022
Page updated: March 25th, 2022